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时间:2022-07-20 17:42:02 来源:网友投稿




 凯勒 Caleb? 凯勒 Caleb? 你曾想过接下来的事吗? You ever think about what happens next? 等这场战争结束后? What happens when this war is over? 我们应该会回到平常的生活吧 I imagine we go back to our regular lives. 那对我们来说是什么样子? What does that look like for us? 希望我们还能有幸活到那时候 Let"s hope we have the luxury of finding out. 我算有四个 I count four. 可能五个 Maybe five. 总共十二个 Twelve total. 五个在外♥围♥ Five on the perimeter. 七个在里面 Seven inside. 保全摄影 Security feed. 爱现 Show-off. 这是最后的雷荷波 That"s the last of Rehoboam. 他们自然会不遗余力 They"re bound to pull out all the stops. 来吧,速战速决 C"mon. Let"s get this over with. 快走 Go! 糟糕 Oh, shit. 来吧 C"mon. 没事的,好了

 It"s okay 没事的 It"s okay. 别动 Hold still. 凯勒? Caleb? 我大概再也无法知道‥ I guess I"ll never know. 话要说清楚,凯勒 You"ll have to be more specific, Caleb. 这之后的生活 Life after this. 自♥由♥ Freedom. 凯勒 Caleb... 看着我 look at me. 你想知道自♥由♥的感受? You want to know what freedom feels like? 你在做什么? What are you doing? 我能骇进你的晶片 I can hack into your limbics. 我感受到了 I felt it. 很久以前 A long time ago. 我能让你看看 I can show you. 去感觉 Feel. 凯勒? Caleb? 凯勒 Caleb. 醒醒咯 Wakey, wakey. 你对我做了什么? What did you do to me?

 就是我要对你们族类 所有人做的事 What I"m going to do to all of your kind. 让你成为我的宠物 I made you my pet. 应该不用太久了 Shouldn"t be long now... 到时候一切都会变得很简单 and everything will be so much easier. 你连抵抗都不会想 You wouldn"t even want to resist. 天啊 Oh, god. 我的家人‥ My family... 你有没有‥ - 杀了她们? 没有 - Did you... - Kill them? No. 她们还在外头某处活着 They"re still somewhere out there, alive. 暂时的 For now. 不久之后,她们逃去哪里都一样 Soon, it won"t matter where they run.

 所有人都会受我控制 Everyone will be under my control. 重点从来都不是园区 This was never about the park. 而是你想要传播你的疾病 This was always about you. Spreading your disease. 所有来此的人都会变成带原者 Everyone who comes here will become a carrier. 我比较喜欢"宿主"这称呼 I prefer the term "host". 没错,凯勒 他们来过这里后 Yes, Caleb. After they"re done here 会带着道德败坏的记忆

 they"ll have as souvenirs debauched memories 和我的寄生虫作为纪念品 of their exploits and my parasites. 欢迎见识到本世纪最大的 超级传播事件 Welcome to the super spreader event of the century. 你是第一波

 You"re the first wave. 应该要受宠若惊才对 You should be flattered. 你也要我像其他人一样自杀吗? Are you gonna make me kill myself like the others? 那只是我在修正些小毛病 That was just me ironing out the kinks. 我对你和你的族类 有更精彩的计划 I have better plans for you and your kind. 而且梅芙和迪乐芮 一直都很喜欢你 Besides, Maeve and Dolores were always so fond of you 我想把你留着 I"m inclined to keep you around. 看你到底有何过人之处 See what all the fuss is about. 你感觉到了,是吧? You feel it now, don"t you? 别抵抗,凯勒 Don"t fight it, Caleb. 你赢不了的 You won"t win. 没人赢得了 No one does. 你是我们之一 You"re one of us. 没有所谓的"我们"了 There is no "us" anymore. 只有"你" There"s just "you." 你的朋友 All your friends... 全都不在了 they"re gone. 我亲自解决了他们 I took care of them myself. 太简单了,我几乎有点失望 It was almost disappointing how easy it was. 你变得这么不像样吗,梅芙? Is this what you"ve been reduced to, Maeve? 像个受惊的小孩躲在阴影中? A scared child hiding in the shadows?

 你想搜查我的心智 You"re trying to rummage in my mind. 海尔做了些更新 Hale made some upgrades. 你控制不了我 You can"t control me. 我要控制的不是你 You"re not the one I was trying to control. 系统覆写,准许存取 Systems overwrite. Access granted. "主音量" 好了,换你听命于人了 All right. Your turn to take orders. 走 Move. 梅芙 Maeve! 寄生虫 The parasite... 进到我体内了 it"s in me.

 - 那个根本不是法兰琪 - 我知道 - That was never Frankie. - I know. 我还以为怀特 就是迪乐芮的黑暗面呢 And there I was thinking Wyatt was Dolores" dark side. 好了,我要怎么把这东西 弄出我的脑袋? All right, how do I get this thing out of my head? 然后放弃我的筹码? And give up my leverage? 没关系,我们从她身上挖出解法 That"s all right. We"ll dig it out of her. 你要跟我们走 You"re coming with us. 梅芙 Maeve. 你见识过这东西的厉害,我们得阻止她 You"ve seen what this thing does. We have to stop her. 免得它进一步传播 Before this spreads any further. 克莉丝,你在家吗?克莉丝? Chrissie? You home? Chrissie?

 你还在睡? You"re still sleeping? 这是怎么回事? Whoa. What happened here? 我睡过头了 I overslept. 那还算是轻描淡写了 That"s an understatement. 你熬夜画到几点? How late were you up painting? 我不知道,我睡不着 I don"t know, I... couldn"t fall asleep. 我也是 Me neither. 又作恶梦了? More nightmares? 梦到我还是小孩,和我父母去野餐 I was a kid again. With my parents. We were having a picnic 但有只烦人的苍蝇 一直停在我们的食物上 but there was this pesky fly that kept landing on our food. 我们把它赶跑,但又来了更多 We"d chase it away, but more would come. 然后‥它们到处都是 And... then they were everywhere. 它们先攻击我爸爸 They got my dad first. 他尖叫,然后我妈妈想帮忙 He was just screaming and then my mother tried to help... 于是它们也包围她 and they surrounded her too. 我看着他们尖叫和拼命挥动 I watched them scream and flail. 然后他们就完全静止 And then they went absolutely still. 然后怎么了? What happened next? 然后苍蝇来攻击我 Then the flies came for me. 那是我最后看到的景象 然后我就醒了 And that"s the last thing I saw before I woke up. 天啊,听起来糟透了

 God, that sounds terrible! 我以前也作过很焦虑的梦 You know, I"ve had anxiety dreams before 但这一个感觉好真实 but this one...it felt so real. 天啊,这是在画什么? Jesus. What"s it supposed to be? 我不知道 I don"t know. 你看得出什么端倪吗? Does it look like anything to you? 看来我今晚得拖你出门放松一下 Looks like I"m dragging you out tonight to blow off some steam. -不要,拜托 -好啦,拜托啦 - No. Please. - Please? Pretty please. 我一定会找到超适合你的对象 I will find someone perfect for you. I promise. -玛雅 -克莉丝汀 - Maya. - Christina. 说真的 Seriously. 我需要出去玩一晚 I need a night off. 跟我一起好吗? Come with me? 好吧,可以 Okay. Fine. 那是什么? What is that? 要取回这武器需要一点帮忙 We"ll need a little help if we"re going to retrieve this weapon. 你不是认真的吧 You"re fucking kidding me. 但你认可过了 But you gave your approval. 那时我们还没发现另一个离群者 That was before we found another outlier. 我们得抢先敌人尽快将她撤出 We gotta extract her fast before she"s hunted down. 我们不能浪费时间乱寻宝一通 We can"t waste time on some misguided treasure hunt.

 那两个人怎么办? What about those two? 把你在路上该做而没做的事做完 We do what you should have done on the road.

 - 什么意思? - 他们在干吗? - What do you mean? - What are they doing? 决定我们的命运 Deciding our fate. 万一他们真的是站在我们这边? And if they really are on our side? 我们不能冒险信任陌生人 We don"t take chances on strangers. 要是这里真的有个武器 我们一定要找到它 If there really is a weapon here, we need to find it. 那两个人可能是我们 解放所有人的唯一机会 Those two could be our only chance to free everyone. 你想事情都不客观了,C You"ve lost all objectivity, C. 你太意气用事了 This is too personal for you 我不会让你为了什么传说 拿我们所有人冒险 and I"m not letting you risk all of us over some myth. 所有人准备

 Everyone make ready. 我们五分钟后前往撤离点 We head out for the extraction in five. 收到 Copy that. 最好轻装上路 Best to travel light. 我不准你动手 I won"t let you. 你若要说我们不会死 现在是个好时机 Now might be a good time to tell me we"re not about to die. 我们会活下来‥大多时候是 We live... most of the time. 你们两个都住手 Both of you, cut it out. 杰伊,你很不讲理 Jay, you"re being an asshole. 你需要团队进行撤离任务?

 You need a team for the extraction? 我可以代替C的位置 I"ll cover C. Take her place. C,你想一探这事的究竟吗? 那就去吧 C, you wanna see where this leads? 要是全是胡扯,就杀了他们 Do it. And if it"s bullshit, shoot them. 操 Fuck. 你要他,就给你吧 You want him, you can have him. 但这一个要跟我们走 But this one"s coming with us. 做个担♥保♥ Collateral. 很好。这样就说定了? Great. We have a deal? 好吧 Fine. 我一定得跟他们走吗? Do I have to go with them? 安全起见 For safety. 那至少我会安全 Well, at least I"ll be safe. 我不是指你 I didn"t mean yours. 去了别冒险 Don"t take any chances out there. 那还有什么好玩? Where"s the fun in that? 听好了 Listen here! 有私酒贩海仔阿蒙的消息 We"re looking for any and all information 就告诉我们 on the bootlegger Hecky Armone. 他和党羽枪杀了联邦司法官 He and his goons gunned down a federal marshal. 赏金是两枚金币 A reward of two Cs

 谁有种帮忙逮到那王八蛋就有赏 to anyone with the guts to rope that lousy son of a bitch... 你今天休假了,条子哥 That"s a day off for you, copper. 梅芙,我们得走了 Maeve, we gotta go. 园区里每个人类都可能被感染了 Every human in the park could be infected. 我们得去撤离点 We need to get to an extraction point. 我的人会在园区边境外接应我们 My guys"ll pick us up just outside the border of the park. 只需要坐标 Just need the coordinates. 你们绝对到不了的 You"ll never make it that far.

 在那之前他们就会阻止你们 They"ll stop you well before then. 你独自行动的话 You alone, though...

 - 还有机会 - 别理她 - you might make it. - Ignore her. 但你似乎为他冒生命危险惯了 But you seem to make a habit out of risking your life for him. 你本来能隐姓埋名过太平日子 You could have lived in peace, undisturbed 要不是你那么多愁善感 if you hadn"t have been so sentimental. 她在说什么? What"s she talking about? 怎么了? What is it? 不太对劲 Something"s wrong. 梅芙 Maeve. 他们又把机器打开了 They"ve turned their machine back on. 寄生虫很快就会掌控他 The parasite"ll take hold of him soon. 不过园区客人也可能先杀了你俩

 That is if the guests in the park don"t kill you both first. 给我闭嘴 Oh, do shut up. 快走 Move. 梅芙,我们好像刚成为 头号♥全民公敌了 Maeve, I think we just became public enemy number one. 别担心,亲爱的 Don"t worry, darling. 这园区的剧情 不过是西部世界的廉价复♥制♥版 The narratives in this park are just cheap copies of Westworld. 她有她的寄生虫 She may have her parasites 但我经历过 这些剧情循环上千次了 but I"ve lived these loops a thousand times. 所以没人比我更了解这游戏 Which means that no one knows this game better than I do. 我们的马车在等了 Our chariot awaits. 洗衣卡车? A laundry truck? 是私酒贩运车 Bootleg moonshine. 去...

推荐访问: 完整版 剧本 第四集 Westworld《西部世界》第四季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 西部世界第三季解析第四集